August 7, 2014

[life together]

There are a few things I have come across in this world that I truly love, although many that I like.

-I like the smell of coffee early in the morning after 8.5 hours of sleep.. and not a second more or less.
-I like reading words of meaning, whether words that teach me or those that encourage me.
-I like baking - particularly oatmeal chocolate chip cookies - on cold & rainy evenings.. and eating 1/2 of the cookie dough before putting it in the oven. Whoops.

But I love community.

Here goes.. my first post in quite some time. The past 6 months have been somewhat of a large blur. Sometimes life plans get sidetracked and my own strong desires become outweighed by present feelings & situations. Could I be more non-descriptive? Probably not, but hopefully you get my gist.

Anyway, throughout this entire season, two things have remained.

1. Jesus
2. Community

Throughout this season, I have learned just how essential community is for myself, as well as every single person on the face of the earth, I would argue. Strong, solid, righteous community. You know what I'm talking about - those people that you can pour out your heart to for hours on end without second guessing your decision to tell them your most intimate life details. The people who don't have to listen to your complaining but willingly choose to do so because of their genuine love for you. The people who urge you on in the right direction with truth, regardless of whether or not you can see the truth for what it is at that specific time in your life.

My community/encouragers/supporters - each of them as important to my well being as water is to my body - have exhibited the love of Jesus to me time and time again. That truthful encouragement that I'm talking about - the loving kindness that community graciously presents to us - comes from Jesus Christ.

To the ones that love me - this one's for you. You mean more to me than you know.

Thank you for reminding me that I belong.

Thank you for believing in me.

Thank you for showing me that God delights in me and calls me by name.

Thank you for reminding me that I am never too far gone - that I am loved deeply and wholly as I am.

Thank you for choosing to be the salt in the world, especially when it is difficult and goes unnoticed.

Thank you for showing me what God is really like.

Thank you for loving me. The world needs more people like you.

not pictured: nicole triana

YOU are love.

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